Adding Meta Tags to Your Documents. You can add metadata to your web pages by placing tags . Example HTML Code: Useful HTML Meta Tags are listed and described, and example usages are given. . These are the HTML Meta Tags that I find useful or interesting. I am not intending to document all . In addition, all Web pages MUST contain both the opening and closing Tags to be considered robot friendly HTML documents. Below is a sample of Meta Tag usage . Meta tags in HTML provide meta information like keywords & descriptions for the HTML document. . Example: Here's an example of a simple HTML document: The tag provides metadata about the HTML document. Metadata will not be displayed on the . Example 4 - Refresh document every 30 seconds: . concerned with how to specify the primary language(s) (there could be more than one) and the base language (there is only one) in HTML documents. tag example document html meta Example of the META Language Tag HTML 5 meta tag - the HTML tag for declaring metadata for the HTML document. . For example, keywords for the current page could include "html5 meta tag, tag example document html meta element . In this case the tag works is like the first refresh example, only . You can also use tags to ensure that the browser does not cache the HTML document. HTML Tags . Defines the author of the document. Example: In this example, the meta element identifies . keywords' relevant to the document, Wikipedia and
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